طقوس الدمى



This series of paintings represents the plastic medium of my current project, “REPRODUCTION” Through it, I engage with the concepts of alienation and objectification, invoking the mechanisms that shape and reproduce individuals. The project also examines the subtle impact that ideological ventures leave on spaces. and will be presented through multiple media, including visual, audio, written, and interactive.

doll's Obsessions

It was truly inspiring to feel that I am the matter and the anti-matter at the same time. Perhaps I was a motion and place for few decades, but I did not observe the particles that were becoming waves since the beginning. 

In the beginning was SHE! 

For me, however, I only have the remains for a dress that carries the SMELL of mothers, on the verges of the other, rather than the opposing, bank.

Yesterday, I was the reflection of the sound, SOUND is the beginning of shape and its constant partner. Tomorrow, however, I will be a doll on the window of a shop that sells deluxe steaks!

Do I see me from there now, and strangeness defeated that surprise? Or am I a confused and anxious accident?

I am still waiting to pass through the windows, believing in the curiosity of seasons, and contemplating the journey of the other, who continues gazing upon me even now. Yet, we will never meet. The past is always losing, and I too… the present, only figuratively, since a short while.

Dolls rituals - طقوسُ الدمى

97*130 cm – mixed media on canvas 2019

97*130 cm – mixed media on canvas 2019

130*190 cm – mixed media on canvas 2019

97*130 cm – mixed media on canvas 2019

130*172 cm – mixed media on canvas 2019


في حديث الدمى

كان من الملهم حقاً حينما شعرت أنني المادةُ ونظيرها في ذات الوقت و لربما كنت حركةً ومكاناً لعقود قليلة ولكنني فقط، لم ألحظ الأجسام التي كانت تغدو أمواجاً منذ البدء.

في البدء كانت هي! أما أنا فلي ما تبقى من ثوبٍ برائحة الأمهات على تخوم الضفة الأخرى وليست المقابلة.

في الأمس كنت انعكاس الصوت، فالصوت هو بداية الشكل وشريكه المستمر، أما غداً، فدمية على نافذة متجر لبيع شرائح لحم فاخرة. فهل أراني من هناك الآن ولكن الغرابة قد غَلُبت تلك الدهشة؟ أم أنني حادث مرتبك قلق.؟

مازلت انتظر عبور النوافذ، مؤمناً بفضول الفصول، متأملاً رحلة الآخر، هو الذي مازال يحدق بي طيلة السنوات السبع. 

 لكننا لن نلتق أبداً! فالماضي خاسر دوماً! 

وأنا أيضاًالحاضر مجازاً، منذ قليل.

130*97 cm – mixed media on canvas 2019

97*130 cm – mixed media on canvas 2019

130*97 cm – mixed media on canvas 2019

130*190 cm – mixed media on canvas 2019

97*130 cm – mixed media on canvas 2019

130*190 cm – mixed media on canvas 2019

130*175 cm – mixed media on canvas 2019

According to Althusser, ideology is not merely a collection of ideas or beliefs, but an interactive process in which ideological apparatuses actively participate in shaping and reproducing individuals. This often occurs without individuals being fully aware of their role in the process until they are transformed into “subjects” through what he calls “interpellation.” Althusser uses this term to describe the process by which these apparatuses address individuals, leading them to recognize themselves as subjects within a particular system and accept their roles and positions in society as inevitable. This process ultimately results in the reproduction of close relationships that make individuals participants in the perpetuation and reproduction of sustained alienating systems.


100*195 cm – mixed media on canvas 2022

sale – أوكازيون

130*190 cm – mixed media on canvas 2022

sale – أوكازيون

130*190 cm – mixed media on canvas 2022

Halal – حلال

130*190 cm – mixed media on canvas 2021

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