daily wailing 100×120 cm Mixed Media on Canvas 2012
syrian scenes 140×140 cm Mixed Media on Canvas 2013
daily wailing 100×81 cm Mixed Media on Canvas 2012
syrian scenes 100×120 cm Mixed Media on Canvas 2012
daily wailing 140×140 cm Mixed Media on Canvas 2012
مشاهد سورية
ولأن الانتفاضة بالنسبة له هي أم، فإن كل ما رسمه الفنان منذ بدئها وحتى الآن، هو صدى لأحداثها ومشاهدها، لخيباتها وأفراحها، لآلامها وصراخها وهي تتحدى هذه الآلام مكابرة باتجاه الوصول إلى آخر درب الحرية، لذا كانت “جميع المشاركات والفعاليات والمعارض الفنية منذ بدء الثورة مرتبطة كل الارتباط بهذه المشاهد. وكان عنوان” مشاهد سورية” هو العنوان الأشمل لمجموعة أعمال 2011 – 2012
syrian scenes 100×120 cm Mixed Media on Canvas 2012
syrian scenes 75×120 cm Mixed Media on Canvas 2012
daily wailing 120×170 cm Mixed Media on Canvas 2012
syrian scenes 100×120 cm Mixed Media on Canvas 2012
daily wailing 140×140 cm Mixed Media on Canvas 2012
syrian scenes 100×120 cm Mixed Media on Canvas 2012
syrian scenes 140×140 cm Mixed Media on Canvas 2012
syrian scenes 100×120 cm Mixed Media on Canvas 2012
field hospital 2x 140×140 cm Mixed Media on Canvas 2013
Following the outburst of the revolution, it was impossible to continue this form of art as the regime suppressed all kind of free photography and documentaries. Not having the possibility of capturing the daily scenes of the war’s outcome, he resorted to painting on canvas. Eventually, this technique helped him to shape the very essence of his vision, and here is where his colours became the luck of violence! His canvasses acquired bright, harsh colours, which in some sense equivocated and deceived the ruthless scenes, but which in turn reflected fearlessly the ugly coloured face and viciousness of war.