typographical memes

In his 1976 book “The Selfish Gene,” biologist Richard Dawkins introduced a revolutionary concept in the realm of culture and knowledge: the “meme.” This fundamental unit of cultural information, which transfers from one mind to another, represents a bridge between biology and culture.
dialogue tables

So as the “Evolution Theory” is, in regard to the organs development, genetic changes and the mutations which create new species, I could not stop the evolution of my “Dialog Tables”! They were gradually deforming and transforming to heavy tracked vehicles, military tanks and aimed barrels!
memory reunion

This group of paintings was the first work I created immediately after my arrival from Damascus. At that time, I didn’t have a studio or a place to work. In my small room, I hung the canvas on the wall next to my bed, with my only suitcase, some scattered belongings, and many bags of anxiety and hesitation.
names are evidence

After the massacre, the world buzzed with questions about evidence, parties involved, reasons, and numbers. As for us, we were recording the names, because their names are our evidence. We have their names, and you have the rest.
a S-M Video Installation

This project represents the narrator of the whole story. Those who froze to death in refugee camps. Those who walked barefoot through the Balkan forests and drowned in the Mediterranean Sea.
a Suitcase memory

This project represents the narrator of the whole story. Those who froze to death in refugee camps. Those who walked barefoot through the Balkan forests and drowned in the Mediterranean Sea.

The current situation has garnered considerable international attention due to allegations that a country is utilizing famine as a weapon of war…
dolls rituals

This series of paintings represents the plastic medium of my current project, “REPRODUCTION” Through it, I engage with the concepts of alienation and objectification, invoking the mechanisms that shape and reproduce individuals.